Hversvegna að kaupa eign í Búlgaríu ?

Q/ Why buy in Bulgaria?
A/ There are a plethora of reasons why buying in Bulgaria is a good idea. Here are just a few:

• Bulgaria is a beautiful country, with unspoilt countryside and predictable climatic seasons
• It is a relatively cheap country in which to both holiday and live in.
• The people are extremely friendly and in most communities there is a real sense of community spirit.
• Economically, Bulgaria is set to grow rapidly, with its recent entry into the EU  and through the influx of foreign tourists and investors.
• Property prices are still much cheaper than the rest of Europe, even though averages property prices have been making gains between 20-30% annually, year on year.
• EU accession has seen other countries property prices increase
• Building and labour costs are still relatively cheap when compared to the rest of Europe, but this isn’t always going to be the case.  Costs for labour and building materials are rising, but will increase rapidly due to EU entry and building standards and regulations.

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