
Skrifa í Gestabók

  • Skráðir notendur gefi upp notandanafn og lykilorð efst á síðunni og skrifi svo færslu í reitinn hér að neðan. Gestabókarfærslan birtist strax.
  • Óskráðir notendur geta einnig skrifað færslu. Athugasemdir þeirra birtast strax og ekki þarf að staðfesta uppgefið netfang.


All about the only Disabled villa in Bulgaria

Welcome to our Villa which has been specifically designed to cater for everyone. The villa is wheel chair friendly and all special requirements can be supplied on request. The villa welcomes families and everyone who wants a peaceful relaxing enjoyable holiday, Only 25 minutes from Varna Airport and 10 minutes from the Historical City of Varna we are ideally situated for those who like a peaceful holiday and for those who prefer the restaurants, bars and shopping. The Villa has three bedrooms on the ground floor which keep the rooms cool in the late evening and a family suite. There is an open plan living area leading on to a large balcony with a sea view. We have three bathrooms, every room has air conditioning. We have a lovely outside patio area and garden with an above ground pool, and out side shower. In the pictures you will see two secluded beaches within close proximity to the villa. For more information please go to

trevor (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), sun. 11. jan. 2009

Hlynur Jón Michelsen

Búlgara og fjárfestingar Íslendinga þar í landi

Hlynur Jón Michelsen, mán. 28. apr. 2008

Hlynur Jón Michelsen


Hlynur Jón Michelsen, sun. 6. jan. 2008

gaman að skoda siðuna kv. Valentina

Valentina H. Michelsen (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), mán. 12. nóv. 2007

Kjartan D Kjartansson

kjarri test


Kjartan D Kjartansson, þri. 4. sept. 2007


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