6.11.2007 | 19:15
The Republic of Bulgaria is a country situated in the southeastern corner of Europe. It borders the Black Sea to the east, Greece and Turkey to the south, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, and Romania to the north along the river Danube.
Geographically Bulgaria is composed of three classical regions: Macedonia, Moesia and Thrace. The southwest of the country is mountainous, with the Balkan range running west to east along the middle axis of the country, cutting it into two. Vast valleys are contained between the mountain ranges in the south and between the Balkan mountain and the river Danube to the north. The topography provides for a large number of major rivers that run across the country thus carrying sufficient water for lush vegetation and successful agricultural activities.
Bulgaria is rather varied topographically, as it is culturally. There are sharp alpine peaks, lakes, green meadows, pine-forest, caves and sandy beaches throughout the country. Picturesque rural villages with cobblestone streets and cottages are providing ideal conditions for those seeking a getaway from the hectic demands of civilization.
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5.11.2007 | 19:00
Búlgaría CLIMATE

The climate in Bulgaria is temperate continental, with cold, damp winters and hot, dry summers. The influence of the Black sea proximity is reflected in the climate of the coastal area being close to the Mediterranean one. Listed in the table below are typical climatic parameters during the warm season, which lasts from May to October.
Average Value | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sept | Oct |
Daytime temperature °C | 21 | 26 | 29 | 29 | 24 | 20 |
Night temperature, °C | 15 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 16 | 12 |
Sea water temperature, °C | 16 | 21 | 25 | 26 | 22 | 17 |
Sunny hours per day | 8 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 8 | 6 |
Rainy days per month | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Above being the average values, there is typically a difference of a couple of degrees between the temperatures dependent whether the northern or the southern half of the coast is concerned. Thus the seawater peaks in the south at 27 °C while in the north the maximum reached is 25 °C, usually in the month of August. The southern coast also enjoys roughly 300 sunny days per annum, which provides for a very enjoyable experience.
The mountainous areas of the country feature several well-known ski resorts, which attract ever more tourists and investors. The added advantage of these resorts is that in the summer hiking in the mountains is a great pleasure combined with healthy activities.
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1.11.2007 | 17:16
Bulgaria Expects 5 Bln EUR Direct Foreign Investments for 2008
Bulgaria expects round 4,7 billion EUR direct foreign investments (DFI) for 2008, informed vice Minister and Foreign Minister of Bulgaria Ivailo Kalfin. According to the DFI the Bulgarian side is not co-financing.
In addition in the next 7 years Bulgaria will have the chance to absorb about 7 billion EUR from the European funds on different operative programs, reminded Kalfin.
The Minister also pointed out that the edition of 'Oxford Business Group' is extremely useful especially for the DFI, because gives a picture of the economy development and the different economy indexes.
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23.10.2007 | 21:02
Hunting in Bulgaria
Bulgaria offers hunters a range of trophy hunts for red stag, wild boar, roebuck, chamois, mouflon, fallow stag, capercailzie, brown bear, wolf, pheasant and bird shooting.
Since 1994, BULTOURS is the owner of Skalsko Residence and manages its hunting area: SKALSKO (4,300 ha), Central Bulgaria, 200 km to the NE of Sofia, in the picturesque northern Balkan foothills, on the small Skalsko Dam Lake, with beautiful nature of green hills and forests. In Skalsko region, BULTOURS offers you stalking, high seat, driven hunt, pheasant, partridge, quail and fox shooting in an area of over 50,000 ha.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 21:03 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
22.10.2007 | 18:58
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19.10.2007 | 16:46
Búlgaría: The Ropotamo Nature Reserve and Strandja Mountain Region
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18.10.2007 | 18:21
The Kaliakra Nature Reserve í Búlgaríu
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18.10.2007 | 10:01
Hjálpið lífeyrisþegurm með undirskriftarlistann
Var að frétta frá einum sem var að skrá sig á undirskriftarlistann, það eru komnar 224 undirskriftir. Það er svo misskilið að líf sem öryrki er eitthvað sældarlíf, það er reyndar fullt starf að vera öryrki. Það er endalaus barátta við kerfið um hverja krónu, baráttan við að halda heilsu og að reyna að útiloka eða hunsa verkina.
Ég er ekki öryrki af ég vill vera það, en slysin gerðu ekki boð á undan sér og það er reyndar fokdýrt að vera öryrki, lækniskostnaður, þjálfun, lyf og fleirra.
Þó að þú ert ekki lífeyrisþegi, þá kemur að þér að einhverntíman og þá væri mjög gott fyrir þig að það eru einhverjir sem eru búnir að berjast við þetta kerfi fyrir þig, þannig að þín undirskrift og aðstoð væri vel þegin.
Mín reynsla er sú að þú þarft næstum því að vera útlærður félagsráðgjafi til að standa í öllu því veseni sem fylgir því að vera lífeyrisþegi.
Ég fékk bréf eins og mörg hundruð aðrir öryrkjar sem stöndum í skuld við TR, ásamt því að lífeyrissjóðurinn Gildi ætlar að lækka lífeyrisgreiðslurnar mínar um 24.500 kr á mánuði. Vinnandi fólk getur þó farið og beðið um launahækkun eða unnið meira ef illa stendur á, það getum við ekki, heldur er verið að skerða okkar greiðslur alls staðar í einu og við höfuð lítið sem ekkert um það að segja.
Bloggvinir mínir hér til hliðar hún Heiða Björk http://fjoryrkjar.blog.is og hún Ásdís http://asdisomar.blog.is vöktu mína athygli á þessu í dag.
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17.10.2007 | 18:43
The Black Sea Resorts
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16.10.2007 | 12:06
Yacht clubs and marinas in Búlgaría
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