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The Republic of Bulgaria is a country situated in the southeastern corner of Europe. It borders the Black Sea to the east, Greece and Turkey to the south, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, and Romania to the north along the river Danube.

Geographically Bulgaria is composed of three classical regions: Macedonia, Moesia and Thrace. The southwest of the country is mountainous, with the Balkan range running west to east along the middle axis of the country, “cutting” it into two. Vast valleys are contained between the mountain ranges in the south and between the Balkan mountain and the river Danube to the north. The topography provides for a large number of major rivers that run across the country thus carrying sufficient water for lush vegetation – and successful agricultural activities.

Bulgaria is rather varied topographically, as it is culturally. There are sharp alpine peaks, lakes, green meadows, pine-forest, caves and sandy beaches throughout the country. Picturesque rural villages with cobblestone streets and cottages are providing ideal conditions for those seeking a getaway from the hectic demands of civilization.

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